Looking for Redemptive Movies to Stream?

We all find ourselves in need of hope. As you search for something uplifting to stream, here are a few suggestions from Impact Foundation portfolio companies.

National headlines blazed the story: Churchgoers Gunned Down During Prayer Service in Charleston, South Carolina. After a 21-year-old white supremacist opened fire in the church, nine African Americans lay dead—leaving their families and the nation to grapple with this senseless act of terror.

Forty-eight hours later, in the midst of unspeakable grief and suffering, the families of the Emanuel Nine stood in court facing the killer … and offered words of forgiveness. Their demonstration of grace ushered the way for hope and healing across a city and the nation.

The documentary powerfully weaves the history of race relations in Charleston, the significance and impact of Emanuel Church, and the hope that somehow emerges in the aftermath. WATCH HERE

Investigative filmmaker Timothy Mahoney journeyed to Egypt, Israel and throughout the world in search of answers to one very important question: Did the Exodus, as written in the Bible, really happen? What he finds is astounding! A pattern of evidence matching the six major events recorded in the Bible. Learn more at www.patternsofevidence.com.

The Heart of Man is a story inviting the sons and daughters of God to leave behind our broken, moralistic and religious way of thinking and relating to God and to others. Once we begin to know who God is (and as a result who we are), we have something to invite the world into. DOWNLOAD HERE

The inspiration to overcome breathes life into “GODSPEED” as it chronicles a first-time race team — Jerry Schemmel, noted author, speaker and sportscaster for the Colorado Rockies and Brad Cooper, a four-time Iron Man triathlete — as they compete 24 hours a day for seven days covering 3,000 miles of deserts, mountains and plains overcoming physical exhaustion, sleep deprivation and extreme mental anguish competing in the world’s most difficult cycling race — The Race Across America.

Pedaling 168 hours non-stop across 12 states from the Pacific to the Atlantic Oceans, Schemmel and Cooper embark on the journey of a lifetime — a race that would provide an extreme test of physical endurance and dependence on faith, all for the greater purpose and personal calling to raise money for the orphans of Haiti. PURCHASE HERE

A gripping reminder of the power of forgiveness, I CAN ONLY IMAGINE beautifully illustrates that no one is ever too far from God’s love — or from an eternal home in Heaven. Streaming options abound here.


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