Gloria Dei Schools

Kiomboi Gloria Dei Pre and Primary School is a pre-primary to secondary level school based in the Singida region of Tanzania.

Vision: The school vision is to provide a world class education for its students at Pre-primary to secondary level. Gloria Dei blends the methods of learning of Tanzania, East Africa and all over the world, seeking to bring Tanzania to the highest education so as to compete with the world standards.

Mission: Gloria Dei exists to help students, by taking a unique and innovative approach to teaching. They believe that students connect with the subject matter they need to master in a variety of subjects, religions and arts. Through personalized and focused teaching processes, students develop the tools they need for ongoing success in their field of study, which include international languages as well. Success depends on direct attention to the needs of the students and helping them to achieve.


Mustard Seed Ministry


Bourne Financial Group