Martin Bionics

Martin Bionics is a prosthesis manufacturer and supplier marketing to medical professionals. Martin Bionics Clinical Care launched in 2018 and caters directly to clients in their own growing network of clinics. MB creates bionic-inspired designs that advance the human experience. With a focus on advanced socket interface designs, their technologies re-define user experience for hip disarticulation and shoulder disarticulation level amputees.

The key differentiator in MB prosthetic sockets is comfort. MB surveyed hundreds of amputees and found that over 7 out of 10 claim their quality of life is limited by discomfort from their conventional prosthetic sockets. The conforming Socket-less Socket™ matches to the ever-changing human body, versus the body having to match to a rigid bucket.

MB has eliminated a static socket shape, rigid brims, and encapsulated heat and socks. Their life-changing sockets have real-time adjustability to be as comfortable as a socket should be.

MB’s Mission is to replace the antiquated rigid socket status quo and make conforming and comfortable prosthetic sockets reachable to all amputees around the world. 95% of amputees (30 million) in developing nations do not have access to prosthetics due to a lack of practitioners and expensive fabrication equipment needed to make conventional rigid sockets. The few that do typically get a 1970's-era hard socket, which is or will become uncomfortable, limiting mobility. MB makes comfortable sockets accessible for those who otherwise don't have access. The modular Socket-less Socket™ uniquely offers the same comfort for those in developing nations as the fortunate who have medical coverage for their state-of-the-art prosthetics locally

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