Wise Rock

The Modern Oil and Gas Production Operating System.

Wise Rock is a software startup optimized for long-term redemptive influence in the upstream oil and gas business. Wise Rock is focused on helping operators optimize production and reduce the impact of frac interference. They specialize in petroleum engineering, production optimization, frac interference reduction, exception-based surveillance, Spotfire development, and analytics consulting.

Wise Rock's web-based software dramatically improves core production engineering workflows and allows operators to track, predict, and ultimately reduce the impact of frac interference. Their software dramatically improves lookback analysis by allowing engineers to rapidly identify and quantify every event that affected a well's production history, such as workovers, artificial lift changes, frac hits, and equipment failures. Then, based on this foundation of high-quality data, advanced engineering analytics using tools like Spotfire and Power BI can be built to better understand past root causes and make process improvements going forward.

With drilling activity screeching to a halt, and even many currently producing wells being shut in, forward-looking production and reservoir engineering teams are using this time to do the rigorous lookback analysis that few in the industry had time to do until recently.

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