Welcome to The Table: Learning and Investing for Transformation.

A post from Impact Foundation

As Impact Foundation grows into our 9th year, we’re continuing to explore ways to benefit and empower our community of donor/investors. As opportunities to engage with and invest in Kingdom-building businesses evolve, there is much to learn and understand. Education and discussions about generosity and impact investing are valuable for us all.

It’s no secret that women have not historically been seen as the investment "audience” or active participants in high-level financial decision-making. Some of that has been by choice; not all women (or men, for that matter) are interested. However, many women have lacked access to training in investment concepts and principles and would benefit from a peer community where they can openly ask questions and gain confidence and competence. 

Beginning March 2024, Impact Foundation is gathering a group of women investors to pilot a new community and program called “The Table.” This 6-week Zoom series is designed to be a space for women to gather, learn, ask questions, and invest charitable capital together in an encouraging environment. The Table community is led by accomplished impact-investing investors: Dana Wichterman, Suzanne Daniel, Michele Dudley, Aimee Minnich, and Alana Taube.

At The Table, they’ll hear pitches from 8 women-led impact companies, all recommended by trusted partners in the faith-driven investing community. Seeking to love God, neighbor, and creation with their resources, the investors will gain insight, pool their contributions, and invest in a selection of transformational companies as a group.

Impact Foundation is delighted to sponsor this initiative and, depending on interest and outcomes may offer another session for other women impact investors in the future. If you or someone you know would be interested in a seat at The Table, please email Alana Taube (info@impactfoundation.org), and she will notify you if another group is formed.


Welcoming Geoffrey Morsman to the Impact Foundation Team


Reforming Education and Supporting Educational Equity