Hope Global Investments
HOPE Global Investments (HGI) is an investment vehicle that enables accredited investors to provide debt financing to HOPE microfinance institutions (MFIs) around the world for follow-on lending to local small-and-medium enterprises (SMEs). Building on HOPE’s 21-year track record of successful MFI lending and gospel proclamation, HGI’s strong controls and shared risk structure present a unique opportunity for low-risk, high-impact investing into hard-to-reach small businesses.
HOPE currently serves over 920,000 clients across the globe, providing them small loans to sustain their businesses and access to savings services, all while discipling them toward relationship with Christ. For those borrowers seeking to grow their businesses beyond the micro level, there are barriers to accessing capital. Whereas micro-loans are available for very small businesses and commercial capital is available to larger corporations, SMEs fall in an area known as the “missing middle” — too big to access microfinance but too small for commercial bank lending.
One of Many Success Stories
HOPE Ukraine disbursed its largest loan yet in 2017, lending $30,000 to Vasil Kutsina. Vasil, a Christ-follower who uses his three businesses as a platform to live out his faith, invested the loan to expand his electrical wholesale business. Vasil continues to regularly pray with and disciple his 15 employees, two of whom recently started attending church. With his business profits, Vasil also built a home for a refugee family from Kazakhstan. By God’s grace and through Vasil’s witness, the entire family has come to know the Lord.