OWP Pharmaceuticals

The Pharmaceutical Social Enterprise®

When it comes to epilepsy and associated psychiatric disorders, our goal is to impact pharmaceutical injustice globally, and to promote a future when the best treatments for these conditions are available to all people, at all times, in all the world. Solving a problem of this magnitude does not happen overnight. It requires intentional, systematic efforts and the kind of vision that drives our team at OWP Pharmaceuticals. Our vision comes to life through our business model and dedication.

OWP Pharmaceuticals enjoys a heartfelt, strategic and innovative relationship with the ROW Foundation. Together they form a concerted organization with shared goals and values that result in a true Pharmaceutical Social Enterprise. OWP uses commercial success for the common good by supporting humanitarian projects rather than maximizing profits.

OWP Pharmaceuticals delivers quality branded generic neuroscience medications that are replicable and fairly priced. Our strategic focus is to support neurologists, psychiatrists, and patients in the U.S. with beneficial products and to use the majority of the profits to provide resources for those living with epilepsy and associated psychiatric disorders in under-resourced areas of the world by donating to the ROW Foundation.





RevHUB Orange County